I've got VrijMiBo under my skin!

Het is weekend! Aktekoffer de hoek in smijten, stropdas in de lamp en de dansschoenen aan. Rauwe rusteloosheid, tabakswalmen en dranken met namen waar je nog nooit van gehoord hebt. Je inmengen in vechtpartijen waar je niks mee van doen hebt. Lachen om grappen van onbekende mensen die je beste vriend van de avond zijn geworden. En vrouwen met soul. Maar vooral tijd voor muziek. In olden days a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking, but now, God knows, Anything Goes. Good authors too who once knew better words, now only use four letter words writing prose, Anything Goes. The world has gone mad today and good's bad today, and black's white today, and day's night today, when most guys today that women prize today are just silly gigolos and though I'm not a great romancer I know that I'm bound to answer when you propose, anything goes. If driving fast cars you like, if low bars you like, if old hymns you like, if bare limbs you like, if Mae West you like or me undressed you like, why, nobody will oppose! When every night, the set that's smart is intruding in nudist parties in studios, Anything Goes. Prettig weekend. En be nice.

2010-2012 - Album on Imgur


Find, rate and share the best memes and images. Discover the magic of the Internet at Imgur.

Concept spaceship art by Finnian MacManus


Some huge compositions by Finnian MacManus. 17 years old and busting! Seeing the large images in his portfolio make me realize conceptship...

De man achter de huisvrouw


De Huishoudbeurs, nog tot 26 februari in de Amsterdamse Rai, wordt niet massaal bezocht door mannen. Ja, in strak pak gestoken verkoopmannen, die proberen de laatste kreukvrije onthaarapplicaties met slakkengel aan de vrouw te brengen. In luchtdichte Tupperware-doosjes. Maar andere mannen zijn er alleen met een heel andere taak: rijden met de boodschappenkar, en wachten bij de tassen. Een zwaar…



Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. It's where your interests connect you with your people.

Look At All The F*cks I Give: Pop Culture Edition


Late yesterday I saw the above Lent/Ash Wednesday themed take on the popular Sound of Music "Look at All the F*cks I Give" meme and it made me realize that it is high time to do a pop culture edition dedicated to the number of f*cks given on the internet.

MMA Rules: 10 Most Illegal Moves


Many fans of MMA can find themselves unfamiliar with the rules. In fact, some people even think that there are no rules at all in the Octagon! Those people couldn't be more wrong, as MMA now has many, many rules about what is and isn't allowed...

How to Pick Your Way Out of Handcuffs


Learn how to pick your way out of handcuffs just like Houdini.

The 50 Worst Video Game Endings


You spent thousands of hours playing only to be let down by these anti-climactic conclusions.

World Map of the Cold War [1427x628]


18665 views on Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Home | Search the archive | British Newspaper Archive


Whether you are a researcher, historian or you simply want to know more about Britain's history, take this fantastic opportunity to search The British Newspaper Archive - a vast treasure trove of historical newspapers from your own home.

Mexico craters


Volcanic craters outside Mexico City

Column: Groente versus vlees


Waar is het lichaam gelukkiger mee: groente of vlees? Columnist Cees Mulder legt het u graag uit! Wie als avondeten een lekkere lichte maaltijd wil eten,

Behind the Google Goggles, Virtual Reality (Published 2012)


Google will start selling eyeglasses that will project information, entertainment and ads onto the lenses, but questions have been raised on how privacy will be regulated.

anatol knotek


homepage des österreichischen künstlers und visuellen poeten anatol knotek. sein werk umfasst konkrete und visuelle poesie, geschriebene textbilder, animierte wortspiele, textobjekte und konzept kunst.

Today's News, Entertainment, Video, Ecards and more at Someecards. | someecards.com


Get a funny take on today's popular news, entertainment, lifestyle, and video content -- all written by the people who bring you those funny ecards.

5 Actors Who Do the Exact Same Thing in Every Movie


Everyone assumes that directors and writers get to decide what goes into a movie, but a lot of times the movie star is the most powerful person involved with a project. For instance, when Jim Carrey wanted to make a movie about his favorite number, The Number 23 hit theaters across the country. A much more entertaining abuse of this star power occu

10 Hotels Where Famous People Have Died - famous people died - Oddee


Visit ten luxury hotels that went from famous to infamous once a celebrity passed away on the premises.

Omri Hi - Block Club, Tel Aviv


www.shakeitlondon.com [email protected] facebook.com/shakeitlondon

SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds


Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio

Nike Stadium & Pigalle - Goutte d'Or


Directors cut. Director - Paul Geusebroek Cinematography - Menno Mans Producer - Marc Madeleyn / CAKEfilm Music & Sound design - Niels den Otter / Audentity Editor…