Herinnert u altoos den VrijMiBo

Het is weekend. Tijd voor poëzie in drie delen. Hoofdstuk één. Wat maakt u tot wie u bent, behalve de som van uw herinneringen opgeteld? Memoires waarop u uw toekomst stoelt. Ervaringen die de koers bepalen waarop u vaart. De herinneringen die u maakt vormen u wereld onbedoeld. Het avontuur van uw onthouden verleden vormt u tot niksnut of held. Hoofdstuk twee. Wie zich het leven kan herinneren leeft totaal. Vol emoties, associaties, bruut realistisch en fel. Het levenselixer der herinneringen schuurt en zalft als het leven zelf. Zij zonder geheugen strompelen door een doodse hel. Zij zonder geheugen zijn zonder wortels en slechts ééndimensionaal. Hoofdstuk drie. Stel dat u spontaan en acuut dement zou worden, natuurlijk niet fijn. Van de één op de andere godvergeten dag. En slechts één herinnering van vroeger zou beklijven. Galmend in uw gedachten bombastisch als Beethoven of kabbelend als Bach. Welke herinnering wilt u dat deze eenzame eenling dan zou zijn? Prettig weekend. En be nice.

SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds


Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio

Digital Painting Tutorials for Design & Illustration by Envato Tuts+


Browse the latest Digital Painting Design & Illustration Tutorials by Envato Tuts+ - all online and free! What are you learning today?

Meme Watch: Sudden Clarity Cat Can Has Epiphany


Sudden Clarity Cat is the new meme-cousin of Sudden Clarity Clarence, and we’ve collected our 25 favorite pictures plus an UPROXX original.

Barbie doll look catches on in Ukraine


After the brief fame of Valeriya Lukyanova, a 21-year-old Barbie who transformed herself through plastic surgeries, a surge of girls in Ukraine have tried to get the same look.

The scariest animal that will never hurt you


Of all the animals that you may encounter in a tropical rainforest, none evoke a more visceral, negative reaction in even the most ardent nature lovers than the tailless whipscorpions. They are mem…

How To Steal The Space Shuttle: A Step-By-Step Guide


Trust me, this is a good idea. I know a guy who can help us move it

Incredible Pencil Drawings Leap Off the Page


Using nothing more than a pencil, a piece of paper, and some swift and scrupulous cuts, Italian artist Andrea Mastrovito offers a contemporary depiction

Meet the Fukushima 50? No, you can’t


The country's official memory stays maddeningly out of balance



3896512 views on Imgur: The magic of the Internet


Explore @USArmy’s 9,887 photos on Flickr!

Stress: The roots of resilience


Nature - Most people bounce back from trauma — but some never recover. Scientists are trying to work out what underlies the difference.

It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up: reactivity in the developing brain and the emergence of schizophrenia


In thinking about the causes of schizophrenia, a central question keeps coming up: why does the brain end up in that par...



A smart, speedy take on the news from around the world.

LeBron: King of the Rings - ESPN The Magazine and Marvel present LeBron: King of the Rings


ESPN the Mag and Marvel Comics have united to create an epic tale of zombies, clones, holograms, bionics ... and a star who will stop at nothing to fulfill his promise.

So Your Clone Is Trying to Murder You | Cracked.com


Bad news: Your clone wants to kill you. Worse news: This guide is your only hope of survival.

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This website is for sale! deejay-net.info is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, deejay-net.info has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!

Data centers – Google Data centers


Take a look inside Google’s data centers around the world. See photos of the technology, people and places that keep our products online.

deejay-net.info - This website is for sale! - deejay net Resources and Information.


This website is for sale! deejay-net.info is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, deejay-net.info has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!

10 Deadliest Epidemics in History


Image Source Disease has probably killed more human beings than anything else in history, and illnesses such as the plague, malaria and cholera are still dange(...)

When Outrageous Was Possible


There was a time when an art form known as coachbuilding existed. Back then, the coachbuilder did not have to answer to a CFO. Back then, the coach builder did…

Ruben de Ronde


Walking the fine line of trance, house and progressive, we find Dutch DJ and producer Ruben de Ronde right in the middle of all things. No borders can stop this talent from touching the very edge of d

So You Want My Job: Butcher


A butcher answers questions about his job and how to become a butcher.

Crazy Photos of Exploding Toys


We’ve brought you photos from Alan Sailer’s series of exploding Christmas ornaments and exploding food, so how about some exploding toys? The artist has a thing for watching mundane objects burst apart at the seams, and we love looking at them.…

SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds


Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio

Amazing and Beautiful Things Around Us


Amazing and Beautiful Things Around Us, 75 photos in Others category, Others photos

SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds


Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio