Het is weekend. Echt weekend. Van die dingen. Dingen die gebeuren. Dit dus. En dat ook. Gewoon, dingen. U weet wel. Dat je net lekker gaat en dat er dan ineens dat gebeurt. Dat je denkt. Waar heb ik dit aan verdiend? Nou ja, aan jezelf, meestal. Als er dingen gebeuren komt dat over het algemeen gewoon door jezelf. Je laat het gebeuren. Dat is tenminste hoe wij over de dingen denken. Is ook niet erg. Laat maar. Laat allemaal maar. Laat allemaal maar lekker gebeuren. Wat wilde je er aan doen dan? Dat maakt niet uit. Wat het ook is dat je er aan wilde doen. Het maakt niet uit. Dingen gebeuren. Sta er niet te lang bij stil. Morgen is morgen en vandaag is vandaag en dingen zijn dingen en bovendien zijn gebeurtenissen gewoon gebeurtenissen. Maak je niet druk. Prettig weekend. En be nice.
This is "XPS Honey Bunny" by Ex Porn Star on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
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You could call it Seth Bordenstein’s “Frankenstein” moment. A little over a year ago, Bordenstein, a biologist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and his then-graduate student, Robert Brucker, mated two incompatible species of wasp in the lab, creating a hardy hybrid that lived when most others died. Original story reprinted with permission from Quanta […]
FLOATING METAL KEY OUT NOW / EVERYWHERE Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/floating-metal-key/id804050579! Play: http://goo.gl/RUVxDx! Bandcamp: https://matthewwilcock.bandcamp.com/ Spotify:…
I travelled in Australia in 2012/2013 and i wanted to tell you my story. Compositor : Antoine Duchêne http://antoineduchene.com/
Dark Roasted Blend
Dark Roasted Blend
Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users like ChiquiJurema.
GHOST ESTATESIRELAND, 2011The National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis NIRSA defines a ghost estateas a development of ten houses or more in which fifty per cent or less of homes areoccupied or completed. In October 2010, according to official estimates, there were 2846 ghost estates and more than 350...
Using a wide variety of canvases including railroad blueprints, star charts, geological and street maps, Welsh artist Ed Fairburn (previously here and here) uses additive and subtractive techniques to create portraits that seem pefectly integrated with the topography of streets, mountains and rivers. It’s been almost a year since we last checked in with Fairburn whose process and approach to creating these stunning portraits continues to evolve. One of his most striking methods is to carefully follow map contours with a pen creating rows of lines that vary by width to create individual forms and shadows. More
architectural conjecture :: urban speculation :: landscape futures
From 1940 to 1986,the only aerial automobile ferry in North America, the North Bend -Boston Bar Aerial Car Ferry , operated between ...
Turn off the lights, put the headphones on, and crank volume up. Strap yourself into the pilot's seat... and fly back in time!
Jay Dean was a mechanic and that was that. He’d certainly never considered becoming an artist. But a back injury in his early 30s led to multiple surgeries.…
la version Française du film est disponible à cette adresse : https://vimeo.com/33734034 Edmond is not like everybody else. A small, quiet man,…
Leer draaien van de rapper die rapt "Ik kan niet eens draaien".
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'The Machine' by Dysphemic & Miss Eliza We have no idea what this style is! It's a mix of Violin/Hip Hop/Glitch/Synth drone. http://dysandeliza.com Violin/Hip Hop/Glitch/Synth Drone <a href="
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