Het is weekend. U mag weer.Spare me the Roman wars, and thoseWho battled on in myth, when proseExtends to suit these topics betterThan odes in their mellifluous meter.Maecenas, think on this awhile:Strong themes are suited to your styleLike dragging tyrants by their necks.While my sweet Muse would sing of sex,Of my fair lady, LicymniaWho fondly hopes her heart will be aFaithful devotee of mineWith eyes as shimmering as wine.See how she glories at the chanceTo show her prowess in the dance.Though lightly clad, she's not the leastShy of display at Diane's feast.Tell me, Maecenas, wouldn't youAbjure all wealth, and treasure too,If Licymnia would choose to spareOne strand of her luxuriant hair?Even if this flirtatious missDenies you the favor of one kissTo disconcert you, makes you feel it,She won't accept your kiss; she'll steal it!Prettig weekend. And be nice.
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ISCO GOAL VIDEO. INCREDIBLE PLAY BY BENZEMA#Atletico 2 (2) - (4) 1 #RealMadrid#ATLRMA #RMUCL #HalaMadrid
— Real Madrid Fan (@RealMadridFanEN) May 10, 2017
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By day I was exhausted from making small talk at baby groups, but at night I could escape to a life of violent crime and irresponsibility
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Dat nutteloze gehang en dat luidkeelse gebral, Hotel Des Indes heeft er schoon genoeg van. pic.twitter.com/mp6RjN5XOM
— Jan (@j_postma) May 12, 2017
Corbyn confirms he would have supported military action against Hitler
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[einde rant]
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Hope there's enough room on Mount Rushmore pic.twitter.com/fIOcj3w4CY
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) May 12, 2017
Onthullend en bewustmakend nieuws! Voor iedereen die wil weten hoe het nu écht zit.
Gemiddeld keken ruim 2,6 miljoen naar Ajax-Olympique Lyonnais. Veel fans zapten even weg om OG3NE te zien.