Barbaarse VrijMiBo

Het is weekend. Tijd voor de formatieborrel. Deze Griek is voor Tjeenk.What are we waiting for, assembled in the forum?The barbarians are due here today.Why isn’t anything happening in the senate?Why do the senators sit there without legislating?Because the barbarians are coming today.What laws can the senators make now?Once the barbarians are here, they’ll do the legislating.Why did our emperor get up so early,and why is he sitting at the city’s main gateon his throne, in state, wearing the crown?Because the barbarians are coming todayand the emperor is waiting to receive their leader.He has even prepared a scroll to give him,replete with titles, with imposing names.Why have our two consuls and praetors come out todaywearing their embroidered, their scarlet togas?Why have they put on bracelets with so many amethysts,and rings sparkling with magnificent emeralds?Why are they carrying elegant canesbeautifully worked in silver and gold?Because the barbarians are coming todayand things like that dazzle the barbarians.Why don’t our distinguished orators come forward as usualto make their speeches, say what they have to say?Because the barbarians are coming todayand they’re bored by rhetoric and public speaking.Why this sudden restlessness, this confusion?(How serious people’s faces have become.)Why are the streets and squares emptying so rapidly,everyone going home so lost in thought?Because night has fallen and the barbarians have not come.And some who have just returned from the border saythere are no barbarians any longer.And now, what’s going to happen to us without barbarians?They were, those people, a kind of solution.Prettig weekend. And be nice.

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Rory Sutherland: The Psychology of Advertising [The Knowledge Project Ep. #19]

In his best interview, Rory Sutherland explores advertising, persuasion, and why humans do some of the silly things we do.

What So Many People Don’t Get About the U.S. Working Class

Pundits and political analysts point to the white working class (WWC) as the voting bloc that tipped the 2016 Presidential Election in Donald Trump’s favor. Did Trump know something about this group that progressives and members of the Republican establishment were not privy to? No, says Joan C. Williams, but he was able to appeal to their values such as straight talk, masculinity, and economic independence, in a way that experienced politicians didn’t consider. Class politics drove the 2016 election, and it was cluelessness about the needs of the WWC that drove Trump’s victory. If Democrats want to connect with this group, they need to consider how economics, geography, and the WWC’s relationship with the classes adjacent to them—the poor and white collar workers—influence their values. Not doing so poses additional risk in an already unpredictable political climate.

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Weekly magazine featuring the best British journalists, authors, critics and cartoonists, since 1828

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