Anderhalve VrijMiBo

Het is weekend. Op gepaste afstand.
Zet alles klaar om vooraf vol te zijn,
in forse hompen, snijdend te verdelen.
Valt het van tafels, zal het vallen.
Grond eindigt niet.
Zorg dat servetten vleugels zijn en boten
tot ze op schoten liggen voor het morsen.
Moet iemand even doen alsof een hoed,
laat maar begaan.
Dan kruimels weg en kleren recht en voorsten
vooraan neergelegd, daarachter door de knieën,
daarachter staan. Lachen zacht, vlucht niet,
kijk niemand aan.
Alleen wie scherpstelt, schiet, vereeuwigt.
Prettig weekend. En be nice.

Rechtse praatjes, Peter Langendam | 9789080629974 | Boeken

Rechtse praatjes (Paperback). Hebben wij niet allemaal een hekel aan praatjesmakers? Of ze nu rechts of links zijn? Dat is natuurlijk waar, u hebt...

The West doesn't know best | The Spectator

I’d always rather liked the Finns, until I came across the conductor Dalia Stasevska. When I asked my mother what they were like, back when I was five or six and enjoyed staring at a globe of the world, she described them as ‘drunken and stupid, but very brave’. This was, by Mother’s standards, an e...

Why is middle age so depressing? - UnHerd

Happiness is the most important subject of scientific inquiry. But it's not easy to study

If bacteria band together, they can survive for years in space

Tiny clumps of bacteria can survive at least three years in outer space, raising the prospect of interplanetary travel by microbial life.


r/chairsunderwater: A safe space for lovers of aquatic chairs.

A measurement of an exotic atom’s energy levels confounds scientists

A gap in the energy levels of positronium seems to be substantially larger than predicted, and physicists don’t know why.

Scythe - Bordspel | Games

Scythe - Bordspel. Scythe is een bordspel dat zich afspeelt in 1920. Een tijd van landbouw, oorlog, gebroken harten en geroeste raderen. Iedere speler...

The rise and fall of the Dutch referendum law (2015–2018): initiation, use, and abolition of the corrective, citizen-initiated, and non-binding referendum

In 2018, the Netherlands became the first democratic country to abolish its national referendum legislation. The Dutch referendum law of 2015–2018 allowed facultative, citizen-initiated, corrective, non-binding referendums, to veto specific types of laws passed by parliament. The referendum law included an ill-suited turnout threshold that created a strategic dilemma and a psychological side effect among voters. In the three years between introduction and abolition, two referendums were triggered. After the first referendum—a treaty between the EU and Ukraine, rejected by Dutch voters—support for referendums soured among centrist politicians and highly educated, progressive voters. Despite positive experiences with the second referendum, the legislation was abolished as part of the coalition agreement by the new government. This article provides a thick description of the Dutch referendum legislation trajectory (instigation, design, implementation, and abolition) to an international audience as well as a theoretical explanation of its comparatively late introduction and remarkably swift abolition. We discuss the roles of public opinion and coalition politics in the face of constitutional rigidity. Ultimately, we draw three broader theoretical lessons from the Dutch referendum experience.

Francis Fukuyama (@francis.fukuyama) • Instagram photos and videos

6,617 Followers, 267 Following, 495 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Francis Fukuyama (@francis.fukuyama)