Het is weekend. Lekker klikken.
Les chars d'argent et de cuivre -
Les proues d'acier et d'argent -
Battent l'écume, -
Soulèvent les souches des ronces.
Les courants de la lande,
Et les ornières immenses du reflux,
Filent circulairement vers l'est,
Vers les piliers de la forêt, -
Vers les fûts de la jetée,
Dont l'angle est heurté par des tourbillons de lumière.
Prettig weekend. En be nice.
Henk Westbroek - Zuigwortel. Tracklisting: De hemel - Gijzelaar - Evenbeeld - Loods me door de storm - Tempo doeloe - Alles kan een mens gelukkig maken...
In 2011, scientists discovered that tiny pufferfish were sculpting Japan’s underwater “mystery circles.” Now, more circles have emerged in Australia.
Arthur van Amerongen had een ontmoeting met de schrijver van zijn favoriete reisgids: José Rentes de Carvalho.
A globular cluster in the nearby Andromeda galaxy challenges conventional wisdom about how galaxies form.
Isn’t it time, just out of perversity, that we all signed the petition on the Operation Black Vote website to restore the part-time nurse Mary Seacole to the national curriculum? I am beginning to think that our children should learn all about this entertaining woman; she’s given me a good laugh for...
The four genders pic.twitter.com/VbgcbGq81o
— Tom Hamilton (@thhamilton) October 16, 2020
When Dan Baum started spooling out the story of his ouster on Twitter in 2009, the media world was entranced — and a new kind of digital serial storytelling seemed possible.
Doelloos kijken (Paperback). In 2006 verscheen bij afdh Uitgevers A.L. Snijders' eerste bundel zeer korte verhalen. Inmiddels zijn wij ruim drieduizend...
Continuing yesterday’s discussion of fake news: Guess et al says that 46% percent of Trump voters endorsed the Pizzagate conspiracy theory. Does this mean fake news is very powerful? We can c…