Andere Tijden in de VrijMibo

Het is weekend. Terug naar de onze!

What was the shadow on the sun? and looking up
we saw the sudden headlines heavy under the sky;
they moved, broke ranks, swirled, and now a wave
washed over us, engulfing the Brooklyn restaurant:
The Italians have entered the last Ethiopian city.
Ebbed; and the quiet sunshine on the cutlery
resumed the historic pathway of its life,
the trolley car clanged its bell, the waitress
came with the order, the radio wept again.
When we looked at the cold clock on the wall,
we saw it was the twentieth century.
Prettig weekend. En be nice.

De goede zoon, Rob van Essen | 9789025453411 | Boeken

De goede zoon (Paperback). Een tocht door een labyrint vol vreemde gebeurtenissen, maar ook een verrassend autobiografische roman over een zoon die de...

Sexshop EasyToys: Al meer dan 750.000 tevreden klanten! - EasyToys

Maak je seksleven nog spannender met het grootste assortiment sextoys, bdsm & sexy lingerie! EasyToys is de nr1 online sexshop van Nederland & België.

You Can Now Play Multiplayer Game Boy Tetris Across the Internet

Twitter’s ‘stacksmashing’ has turned their attention to the original Game Boy— more specifically, expanding its multiplayer capabilities past a physical cable tethering just two consoles. The result is a multiplayer version of Tetris you can play online.

A rare glimpse of a star before it went supernova defies expectations | Science News

A hydrogen-free supernova in a nearby galaxy appears to have come from an unusual source.

Two Assholes Lost in the Woods: An Oral History of ‘Pine Barrens’

Twenty years after it aired, David Chase and Co. look back on one of the wildest, boldest, funniest episodes of ‘The Sopranos’ ever made

Arthur van Amerongens essay voor pedospecial Propria Cures gecanceld; stuk is 'te pedofiel' - HP/De Tijd

Arthur van Amerongen schreef op uitnodiging van het Amsterdamse studentenblaadje Propria Cures een essay over pedofilie, maar het stuk werd geweigerd. De redactie vond het te riskant om te plaatsen. Lieve vrienden en vriendinnen, wat mij nu...

Little Foot's shoulders hint at how a human-chimp ancestor climbed | Science News

The shape of the 3.67-million-year-old hominid’s shoulder blades suggests it had a gorilla-like ability to climb trees.

Even the Calibri Font's Creator Is Glad Microsoft Will Have a New Default

Microsoft is switching up its default font for the first time since 2007.

Saturn's fuzzy core spreads over more than half the planet's diameter | Science News

Analysis of a wave in one of Saturn’s rings has revealed that the planet’s core is diffuse and bloated with lots of hydrogen and helium.

The Rise of Civilization - Mainzer Beobachter

"The Rise of Civilization" van Charles Redman toont wat archeologie is: het opstellen, testen en verbeteren van hypothesen.

Publishing is now a Left-wing bubble - UnHerd

A letter filled with hysterical analogies indicates an industry in crisis

Hein Koreman (drie delen)

  Hein Koreman (1921-2012) Beeldhouwer, groeide op in een rooms-katholiek gezin in Lage Zwaluwe. Zijn moeder was boerin en zijn vader griendwerker in de Biesbosch. Na de lagere school ging hij…