Orwelliaanse VrijMiBo

Het is weekend. Het is geen handleiding. 

No stone is set to mark his nation's loss,
No stately tomb enshrines his noble breast;
Not e'en the tribute of a wooden cross
Can mark this hero's rest.
He needs them not, his name untarnished stands,
Remindful of the mighty deeds he worked,
Footprints of one, upon time's changeful sands,
Who ne'er his duty shirked.
Who follows in his steps no danger shuns,
Nor stoops to conquer by a shameful deed,
An honest and unselfish race he runs,
From fear and malice freed.
Prettig weekend. En be nice.

1984, George Orwell | 9780141036144 | Boeken | bol.com


1984 (Paperback). One of Britain’s most popular novels, George Orwell’s dystopian tale 1984 is set in a society terrorised by a totalitarian ideology...

De Ali B-methode, Ali B | 9789493213135 | Boeken | bol.com


De Ali B-methode (Paperback). Ali B laat je kennismaken met de beste ideeën uit de wereld van persoonlijke groei. Met De Ali B-methode laat Ali zien hoe...

On Self-Respect: Joan Didion’s 1961 Essay from the Pages of Vogue


Joan Didion’s seminal 1961 Vogue essay on self-respect.

Zwaluw van Yesilgöz maakt misschien lente


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The oldest known human-bred hybrid is part donkey, part wild ass


Syria’s 4,500-year-old kungas were donkey-wild ass hybrids, genetic analysis reveals, so the earliest known example of humans crossing animal species.

Reflections on the mirror in art | Art UK


Discover artworks, explore venues and meet artists. Art UK is the online home for every public collection in the UK. Featuring over 280,000 artworks by over 50,000 artists.

Setting the record straight: open letter on E.O. Wilson's legacy


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An X-ray glow suggests black holes or neutron stars fuel weird cosmic ‘cows’


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The fearless critic finally escapes the shadow of her husband Robert Lowell in Cathy Curtis’s sensitive biography

Why we'll end up eating bugs


The golden age of capitalism will emasculate us all

Het sadistisch universum van John de Mol - HP/De Tijd


De morele onverschilligheid die John de Mol groot maakte, brengt hem nu ten val, schrijft Jan Kuitenbrouwer. Wat zich bij zijn programma's achter de schermen afspeelt, is het zelfde als ervoor, maar dan zonder filter. "Op het podium krijgen de kandidaatjes waardevol advies van hun 'coaches', in de coulissen neemt de grooming andere vormen aan."

Liberal Illusions Caused the Ukraine Crisis


The greatest tragedy about Russia’s potential invasion is how easily it could have been avoided.

saunastenen voor kachel. doosje 10kg | bol.com


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