Het is weekend. En dat redden we nog maar net.
Dieses Baumes Blatt, der von Osten
Meinem Garten anvertraut,
Gibt geheimen Sinn zu kosten,
Wie's den Wissenden erbaut.
Ist es ein lebendig Wesen,
Das sich in sich selbst getrennt?
Sind es zwei, die sich erlesen,
Dass man sie als eines kennt?
Solche Fragen zu erwidern
Fand ich wohl den rechten Sinn.
Fühlst du nicht an meinen Liedern,
Daas ich Eins und doppelt bin?
Prettig weekend. En be nice.
Hapjesdeskundige Susan Aretz (50) zal woensdagmiddag in het Andazhotel het wereldrecord lange borrelplank vestigen. Hoeveel meter hapjes kan een me...
CARAVAGGIO’s (#BOTD in 1571) biblical paintings re-created as living paintings, accompanied by Mozart's Requiem.#TableauxVivants
— Michael Warburton (@MichaelWarbur17) September 29, 2022
"Modern Italian political history"
— Reactionary Soaps (@reactionarysoap) September 28, 2022
Whoever made this is a comedic genius. pic.twitter.com/E39B6haCyW
Scientists on Saba are introducing island residents to conservation of Caribbean orchids, red-billed tropicbirds and urchins.
Discover artworks, explore venues and meet artists. Art UK is the online home for every public collection in the UK. Featuring over 280,000 artworks by over 50,000 artists.
The carbon-sequestering trees grow in a roughly 18-year cycle according to tides influenced by the moon’s orbit, a study in Australia finds.
Tina Lasisi is pioneering studies of human variation in an ethical and scientifically sound way.
The ruler of Medieval Venice was chosen by an exceptionally complex ten-step process of alternating random lots and elections.
Alle verhalen van Olivier B. Bommel en Tom Poes 49 - Moet ik dan alles alleen doen? (Hardcover). `Het werd mij even bar te moede `De uitgever vroeg me...
A billionaire bought one of America’s biggest newspapers. Then he put his 28-year old daughter with deep ties to socialist organizations in charge
— Matt Bilinsky (@mattbilinsky) September 27, 2022
You may have seen the articles, but it’s actually worse than reported…
And the consequences could affect every resident of LA🧵👇
Call it Rich Asshole Syndrome—the tendency to distance yourself from people with whom you have a large wealth differential.
We have what we need to drastically cut emissions — but we're going to need much more
cop searching my car and finding little notes i hid everywhere that say i love the police
— big boy online (@idonotbleed) September 2, 2022