Vervulde VrijMiBo

Het is weekend. Ja dan is het maar een beetje esoterisch.
Het beste van voor jaren dringt vanavond tot mij door.
Al je gewone vragen vinden weer gehoor.
Regent het. Ja het regent. Goede nacht.
Laten we nu gaan slapen, zeg je zacht.
Wij luisteren en liggen. Wind beweegt het raam.
Blijf zo maar liggen, zeg ik, en ik noem je naam.
Alles wat antwoord is gaat van mij uit.
Je wordt vervuld van de oneindigheid.
Prettig weekend. En be nice.

The Brexit October Revolution

Can Reform beat the Conservative Party?

"The Marginalized Should Just Be Allowed to Break the Rules" is Bigoted and Unworkable

Here’s a piece from New York’s Curbed vertical about the efforts of the Eric Adams administration to address ongoing community safety concerns about various types of motorized, two-wheeled vehicles. Favored by delivery drivers and related workers, these electric bikes, mopeds, scooters, and similar are very often driven in ways that are dangerous and, usually, illegal. The piece, by Mark Healy, is reported out and doesn’t arrive at an explicit thesis; it also directly reflects on why such a crackdown has come to pass - because these vehicles operate in a totally lawless fashion and make the city more dangerous and unpleasant. Still, the essay is identifiably a part of a very active genre in media these days, a genre in which liberals fret vaguely about issues of disproportionate enforcement in policing and impact on marginalized groups etc etc. It’s the kind of thing that urban left-of-center media thrives on.

Rain, Auvers: how a Van Gogh masterpiece got to Wales | Art UK

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