De VrijMiBo Niet In Mijn Naam

Het is weekend. In godsnaam.
Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.
Not one of all the purple Host
Who took the Flag today
Can tell the definition
So clear of victory
As he defeated – dying –
On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Burst agonized and clear!
Prettig weekend. En be nice.

GeenStijl-hoofdredacteur Frank Tieskens (38): 'We hoeven niet per se serieus genomen te worden' | Nieuwe Revu

Sinds 2023 staat Frank Tieskens aan het roer van het even geliefde als verguisde GeenStijl. Hoe reilt en zeilt de website, wat is het belangrijkste doel en hoe zou de hoofdredacteur GeenStijl zelf de maat nemen?

I Can Tolerate Anything Except The Outgroup

[Content warning: Politics, religion, social justice, spoilers for “The Secret of Father Brown”. This isn’t especially original to me and I don’t claim anything more than to…

De vlucht in de sferische muziek weerspiegelt een breder levende nood

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‘Judgment is the price of being creative’: Rory Sutherland and Rick Rubin in conversation

Rick Rubin is a legendary American record producer who co-founded Def Jam records, which helped popularise hip hop. He has worked with everyone from Johnny Cash (whose career he is credited with reviving) to Paul McCartney and Kanye West. He sat down with The Spectator’s Rory Sutherland to discuss creativity, Bach, Sherlock Holmes, JFK assassination

Astronomen ontdekken de kleinste planetoïden ooit waargenomen in de hoofdgordel

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Geen foutje van Hubble: James Webb bevestigt decennialang mysterie over uitdijing van het universum

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George Cuitt: etching the rundown, neglected and obscure | Art UK

Discover artworks, explore venues and meet artists. Art UK is the online home for every public collection in the UK. Featuring over 300,000 artworks by over 50,000 artists.

Don't mistake Democratic partisan orthodoxy for a "coherent" philosophy

In a two-party system, the party coalitions are full of contradictions — and the Democrats' are becoming more obvious.